Deciding on a project logo

Moving conversation from github. If people had better ideas on the logo front. I managed to generate an (IMO) improved one by modifying the existing one with generative AI.


I like this logo. At one point, I was thinking about whether we could somehow integrate the concept of incubation into the logo which is normally represented by symbols like eggs, lightbulbs, or small plants.

I like what you created there. What is that thing? Maybe we can produce a back story for that digital dragon/phoenix/programming thing.

Another thought is that we could have a logo contest with a few submissions. That might be fun :slight_smile:

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This is probably the correct thing to do…

BTW - just to clarify, this is the reference to the logo:

I think of it as a dragon-duck, which seems appropriate as a mascot for a development project :slight_smile:


Love the Logo! If it was on a T-shirt I would wear it!

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The Beman dragon duck. I love it.

I like the logo, let’s use it!

Are we ready to install it?

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I made some minor cosmetic updates to the logo.


that’s better – I wonder should we crop it smaller?

I’d like to get this installed in the repo/website before next week.

Here it is. Cropped and background removed (transparent).

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Awesome, thank you! Installed in discourse – looks cool!

I also uploaded into github, but it doesn’t seem to be taking effect – anyone know the magic location for github?

Looks like it just took a bit of time to sync on github. Thank you again @sakshamsharma for your efforts!

@sakshamsharma , do we have a SVG version of the existing Beman logo?

I received this comment - Update Beman Standard: add README.LIBRARY_STATUS; Add by neatudarius · Pull Request #72 · bemanproject/beman · GitHub - CC: @RaduNichita .

I think we should start discussion from scratch:

  1. What are all formats we want for our logo(s) / banner(s)? PNG? SVG?
    I propose to have only one - SVG.

  2. Where do we store actual editable projects for logo(s)?
    I don’t have any preference if the project is shared at least among @leads. If the projects can be exported (e.g., .PSD format), I also think we should store these files near the PNG/SVG ones.

  3. Where do we store deliverables logo(s)?
    It seems we have this path beman/presentations at main · bemanproject/beman · GitHub. I would suggest to create “bemanproject/beman/images/logos/”. Additionally, put other diagrams in “bemanproject/beman/images”.

CC: @leads

#3 sounds good. SVG has many advantages so I think that probably should be the preference – also don’t think that having some PNG versions of any major harm. Of course, I’m doubting that we have an SVG of this given the mechanism of creation (AI voodoo). We might needs someone that has access to high caliber image tools to create them – you know who you are :wink:


Curious: What was the AI that you used to help create this logo?

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