I am posting more details about my findings about my implementation of the Beman website.
Firstly, as in my previous post, it is made by using Docusaurus, an open-source project started by Facebook [1]. As stated on their Github [2], “Docusaurus is a project for building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites easily.” It uses NPM and it generates a website in either Javascript or Typescript.
It seems that the project is well maintained, as they currently have over 57k+ starts and almost 1.2k contributors. [2] (they recently released their latest version a few days ago). It was quite easy to set up the project, as they have good documentation on their website [3].
Once set up, there is just enough to populate the /docs and /blog folders to see the content of the website, without any addition of JS Code. The Docusaurus supports rendering either .mdx or .md files.
It is also quite easy to deploy to gitub-pages, which we could use for hosting the content [4] so we could only rely on some automated deployment of the content to the website via Github Actions. There are also other ways of deploying, as stated on the documentation page.
Proposed flow of contributing to the website:
- Creating a fork of the website repository and cloning it
- Running a local webserver - “npm run start”
- Making the changes and checking they are not breaking anything
- Submitting a PR to the main repository.
At [5] you can check some example of website built with Docusaurus by the system group in UPB (University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest).
If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to address them here.
As stated from my last message, you can find:
[1] https://docusaurus.io/
[2] GitHub - facebook/docusaurus: Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
[3] Introduction | Docusaurus
[4] Deployment | Docusaurus
[5] Operating Systems | Operating Systems