If we want this, we need a versioning flow. My understanding is that we can ship 2 types of library versions: trunk (latest main) and named version (e.g., 1.0.1). I don’t remember if we have a decision for versioning.
I don’t think we’ve cut enough releases to really make a decision? But I’m fine with semantic versioning.
We probably need to discuss what sort of changes we mean? In particular I’m about to make some changes to constructor overload set resolution, is that a major version, or are we still at version 0?
There’s likely to be name change breaks as a proposal makes its way through the process. Should we hold a 0.x until it lands, or track changes?
What about when I restart work on rvalue reference support, which will be after lvalue ref lands?
I believe there’s a standard way to list into Compiler Explorer once a library is published to ConanCenter. If I recall correctly, they do a conan install and then point at the installed headers.
They do not have full link support as a rule unless you really hack things up. Some of us are working on the CPS specification exactly to make this sort of thing more regular and supported.