Project documentation good practices

I spoke with Jeff and David, who encouraged me to start this topic.

I am the author of mp-units and I get plenty of great feedback for our practices. mp-units docs are built with Material for MkDocs and can be found at mp-units.

I would like to point out a few specific sections:

The last part was added only recently. It is built from LaTex files in the repo. I would prefer Markdown, but we did not know how to do it.

The documentation generation instructions can be found at Contributing - mp-units.

I hope that you like it and will find it useful.


@mpusz, this is exactly the level of documentation quality I think Beman projects should have. Thanks for sharing!

I searched GitHub to compare the popularity of mkdocs to mdbook:

Tool Stars # GitHub projects GitHub search link
mkdocs 19.1k 74.8k path:mkdocs.yml
mkdocs-material 20.3k 32.9k path:mkdocs.yml “name: material”
mdbook 17.8k 9.5k path:book.toml

A more direct usage comparison is here.