Has anyone else tried this? On GitHub, switch to the codespace branch, type the , key and wait for the magic to happen. This is ridiculously convenient. @dhollman, that was a good idea and @river, thanks a million for implementing this.
@river would it make sense to add this to the main branch? Would it be easy enough to add this to our other projects?
Pro tip – pay attention to your browser pop-up settings – bc at first I’m like, wut is @dsankel talking about – then I notice Firefox asking for popup permissions. It should be on the main branch, but I’m personally not a fan of the interface – give me godbolt if we’re doing some web thing. I don’t need a wickedly complex visual studio code interface to compile and run a simple example.
Although there’s no problem to launch from codespace branch, you can checkout main and work on whatever you want to work on.
I am still waiting for more feedback, @neatudarius suggested adding more compilers support which I will explore after we figure out how GitHub is caching the environment. Please leave more suggestions if you have any.
I can propagate this to more projects after initial PR is merged.
I am still waiting @dhollman to provide any suggestions to that PR, I sent her an email earlier this week asking for suggestions but she haven’t gone back to me. If anyone has a direct link to her, let her know!
Nice to hear you are enjoying this! How was the setup experience? How long did GitHub spend to spin up the instance?