Contribution opportunities

I’m looking forward to contributing to any currently available projects.
I reckoned, the ones that were mentioned here before are already implemented.
Could someone help me figure out how I can find projects to contribute to?

Thank you,

Tamas Hadhazy

Hi! thanks for the message. We could definitely do with more info on how to get started. @bretbrownjr started an issue on github to add more info to the FAQ and have a better framework for new developers (suitable github issues with mentors):

Hi! Thank you for the fast reply. While I was reading the agenda I stumbled upon this paper:
(if this is the precondition paper that is mentioned), Do you know if the implementation is still needed here?

Thank you again,


The precondition paper I mentioned in the meeting was Functions for Testing Boundary Conditions on Integer Operations. We don’t have a Beman implementation of that yet.

It’s on my list to reach out to Lisa about it. We’re reaching out to paper authors to give them the opportunity to submit an implementation to Beman before we invite others to write them. We’ll be creating tickets folks can pick up as we hear back.