Beman.utf_view for P2728 UTF Transcoding


I’ve implemented a reference implementation for the latest revision of P2728 called UtfView. It provides UTF transcoding views and associated utilities. I’d like to migrate it into the Beman project.

I’ve attempted to follow the guidelines in the Beman standard, but there are various things I still need to do to Beman-ize it:

  • Change from PascalCase UtfView to snake_case utf_view (I only just saw that Beman changed its preference here)

  • Add a beman:: namespace

  • Add beman.utf_view and beman::utf_view library targets and prefix other targets with beman.utf_view

  • Have install create a beman.utf_viewConfig.cmake file

  • Add beman/ directories to the directory structure

I would apprecate any feedback on any additional steps I need to do to Beman-ize the repository. I can create a pull request with all necessary changes, merge it, and then transfer ownership to the beman-project GitHub user.

- Eddie

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Hey @ednolan, welcome! I’m excited about beman.utf_view.

I think you’ve covered the bigger points.

We’ve been using FetchContent for dependencies instead of submodules elsewhere. Is this something that would work for you?

Yes, I could change the dependencies to FetchContent, but I was actually planning on removing the dependencies anyway, so I think I’ll probably just do that instead.

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